Monday 30 September 2019

The Future

Hi there Blogmasters,

When I was a young boy, I thought it would be nice to be a teacher. However, that idea only lasted 5 minutes and I soon decided I'd be a footballer, a musician or a movie director. Now, 100 hundred years later, here I am teaching in Chile. Believe me, it wasn't what I imagined I'd be doing. I’ve lived in lots of different places, done lots of different jobs and met lots of different people. So, in my experience, life very rarely turns out how we plan it. In fact, it would be very boring if it did. Just think, when I was your age there were no mobile phones, no commercial computers and the internet didn’t exist. How weird is that! Anyway, today I’d like you to get out your crystal ball and try and imagine what you’ll be doing in 10 years time.

Where you think you’ll be,
 What occupation you think you’ll be doing,
Who you’ll share your life with (family/partner/children, etc)
What things you will have achieved,
What changes the world will have seen.

Mention anything else you think is important. Write at least 250 words. Leave a comment on your teacher’s blog and on the blogs of at least 3 classmates.

Wednesday 25 September 2019

A Birthday

Hi FAU Bloggers:)

Today I'd like you to write about one of your birthdays that you remember fondly.
In my case I'm going to talk about my 23rd birthday. At that time I lived in Chester, the town were I grew up between the ages of 7 and 23, so it was my last birthday before I moved to live in London. The reason it was so memorable is because my sister, who lived in London paid me a suprise visit. I think it was a rather normal day. In the morning I went to work in the laboratory where I worked as a Laboratory Technician, and at 4pm I finished for the day and went home. When I arrived to my flat I found my sister waiting for me outside. I was really happy to see her and totally suprised that she had come to see me. A couple of friends came by to take me out for a drink so we all ended up going out to eat something and then we went for a drink. It was a quiet celebration but it was still special. We ate (pizza I think), drank and chatted. My sister gave me a really nice present - an earring in the shape of a musical note - which I still have (although I took my earrings out when I started working in Chile!!). I've had some wild birthday celebrations but I remember this one because it was quiet and relaxed.

Write about a birthday or celebration you remember.
When it was,
What you did,
Who you were with,
Why you remember this event.

Mention anything else you think is important or interesting. Write at least 250 words. Leave a comment on my post and on the blog's of 3 classmates
                                                     My sister Moe

Wednesday 11 September 2019

A Family Member or Relative

Hi FAU Bloggers:

Today I'd like you to write about someone from your family. It could be a brother or sister, one of your parents or another relative (uncle, aunt, cousin, etc). I'm going to write about my brother Adrian. Well Adrian, or Adie (AD?) as we like to call him, currently lives in New Zealand with his wife and 2 kids - Ella and Freya. He was a happy child, always joking and trying to make people laugh. He had a good temperament and rarely got angry. He learnt carpentry when he was a teenager and now works repairing violins and cellos and making groovy furniture. Ady is 18 months younger than me and we've always had a great relationship. He is someone you can depend on and is always ready to help out if things are complicated or you have a problem. The rest of the time he loves fooling about and playing music. He is a very good guitar player and an excellent violin player. He taught himself both instruments when he was younger. He is very perseverant. When he starts something he makes sure he keeps working on it until its right. Mostly, he just makes me laugh.
Here's a mix I did of one of Ady's songs:

Write about someone from your Family.
Who it is,
What they do,
What they are like,
What sort of relationship you have with them.
Mention anything else you think is important. Write at least 250 words. Leave a comment on my blog and on the blogs of at least 3 classmates.

Wednesday 4 September 2019

A one-on-one Conversation

Hi Blogheads,
Today I'm going to talk about someone I'd like to have a one-on-one conversation with. The person I'll write about is Mervyn Peake, a British author, illustrator and painter. I first heard of Peake when I was about 15 or 16. One of my sisters gave me one of his books to read. I started it but didn't finish it. I actually read it a couple of years later and found it amazing so I found and read all the other books he had written. I love Peake's imagination and dark humour. If I had the chance to talk to him, I'd like to ask him a number of questions like, where he got his ideas or what inspired him. I think he was a very observant person because his is able to create extremely descriptive writing and wonderful images. I’d also like to talk to him about the artist colony he started on the Island of Sark (a little island between England & France) and the contrast between like in London and a remote island. Finally, I’d like to ask him about his experience in the Second World War. Peake was a war artist and he had quite a traumatic experience, especially as one of the first people to enter Belsen (the Nazi concentration camp) after its capture. He wrote poetry about the horrific scenes he saw and it obviously affected him deeply. Peake died of Parkinson’s Disease in 1968.
Write about someone you would like to have a one-on-one conversation with.
Who it is,
What they do/did,
When you first heard about this person,
What you would like to ask them,
Why you find this person interesting.
Mention anything else you think is important.
Write at least 250 words. Leave a comment on my blog and on the blogs of 3 c

Wednesday 28 August 2019

Free Post

Write about 200 words on a topic of your choice. Leave a comment on my blog and on the blogs of at least 3 classmates.

So my free post is about Aniara, a Swedish Sci-Fi movie that I've just read about in today's Guardian ( It looks really great but then again I love Sci-Fi so I may be a little bias. I'll post the trailler at the end of the post. I don't want to say too much or spoil the film for anyone (in case there are any Sci-Fi fans reading). Bits of it remind me of a wonderful book that I read last year called Eleveneves, which is a Sci-Fi story about how hummanity saves itself after the moon explodes and causes metiorites to rain down on earth for 10,000 years. It features lots of people floating around in space:)
Try to read the review if you have time. Reading a newspaper in English is a great way to practice a second language and keep up to date on today's news at the same time:) 

Tuesday 20 August 2019

A Movie Villian

Hi Fau Bloggers,

Students rarely request specific these to write about, but I love it when they do:) So, last week there was a request and this is the resulting post. Today I’m going to write a post about a movie hero or villain. At first, I was going to write about Daleks, the alien robot-like creatures who are the archenemy of Doctor Who (a fictitious time traveller from the planet Gallifrey). However, I realized I’d written about him in a post about a TV programme I enjoyed when I was a child, so I decided to write about Roy Batty, the Replicant from the Science Fiction film Bladerunner.
I first saw Bladerunner in 1982 when it first came out. A friend gave me a pirate copy and it blew me away. I loved everything about it. The dark film noir setting, the high-tech gadgets, the idea of a future that wasn’t perfect, the action, the architecture, the rain, the script, the soundtrack, and to top it all off, the most amazing villain.
I found Roy Batty to be the perfect villain.  A humanoid robot, whose battery is about to run out, trying to find out why he has to die. This was quite a mind-blowing concept back in those days as it’s really a question of what it is to be human.  Actually, some of the humans in the film have less “humanity” than the Replicants. I won’t tell you the story as it’s a film everyone should watch without spoilers. However, I can highly recommend it as a film to see, even now 37 years after it’s release. The great thing about Roy Batty is his intelligence. At times he may appear violent and ruthless but at the end of the film, he demonstrates that Replicants have humanity even though they don’t have a soul. He was built as a fighting machine to work on distant galaxies but, the same as thousands of “slaves” throughout history, he rebels and goes in search of the answer to a question that alludes us all: Why am I here? Why do I have to die?

Write about a movie hero or villain that you like.
Who they are,
What movie they are in,
When you first saw the movie,
Why you like them,
Why they make such a good villain.
Mention anything else you think is important or interesting. Try to write at least 200 words. Leave a comment on my blog and on the blogs of 3 classmates.

Wednesday 14 August 2019

A Beach

Hi Blogheads:)

Chile has hundreds of great beaches so I thought it would be nice if you could write about a beach that you like. 
I'm not really fond of sitting on the beach sunbathing. If I go to the beach I prefer to walk and look at things. One of the beach-walks I like is from Maitencillo to Colchagua. I haven't done it for a couple of years but I have fond memories of the times I've done it. If you set off from La Laguna in Maitencillo walking North along the coast it will take about 2 hours or so to get to Colchagua. Some parts are a little difficult and they may be cut off by the tide depending on the time of the year. Also, if you do this walk in the summer you need to take drinking water and sunblock.
The beaches at the beginning and end of the walk are both long sandy bays. In between, there are some beaches with pebbles and others with large boulders. Often you can see sea otters (nutria) and lots of interesting seabirds.
 One year my wife and I found a penguin that had been mauled by a dog and took it to an Animal Rescue Centre but unfortunately, it didn't survive.
If you don't like walking, the beach at Maitencillo is good for surfing, horse-riding, kite-flying or just sitting in the sun. It gets quite crowded in the summer so I tend to go out of season.
Write about a beach you like.
Where it is,
How often you go there,
What you do there,
What you like it.
Mention anything else you think is important. Write at least 200 words. Leave a comment on my blog and on the blogs of 3 classmates.

The Future

Hi there Blogmasters, When I was a young boy, I thought it would be nice to be a teacher. However, that idea only lasted 5 minutes and I s...