Tuesday 20 August 2019

A Movie Villian

Hi Fau Bloggers,

Students rarely request specific these to write about, but I love it when they do:) So, last week there was a request and this is the resulting post. Today I’m going to write a post about a movie hero or villain. At first, I was going to write about Daleks, the alien robot-like creatures who are the archenemy of Doctor Who (a fictitious time traveller from the planet Gallifrey). However, I realized I’d written about him in a post about a TV programme I enjoyed when I was a child, so I decided to write about Roy Batty, the Replicant from the Science Fiction film Bladerunner.
I first saw Bladerunner in 1982 when it first came out. A friend gave me a pirate copy and it blew me away. I loved everything about it. The dark film noir setting, the high-tech gadgets, the idea of a future that wasn’t perfect, the action, the architecture, the rain, the script, the soundtrack, and to top it all off, the most amazing villain.
I found Roy Batty to be the perfect villain.  A humanoid robot, whose battery is about to run out, trying to find out why he has to die. This was quite a mind-blowing concept back in those days as it’s really a question of what it is to be human.  Actually, some of the humans in the film have less “humanity” than the Replicants. I won’t tell you the story as it’s a film everyone should watch without spoilers. However, I can highly recommend it as a film to see, even now 37 years after it’s release. The great thing about Roy Batty is his intelligence. At times he may appear violent and ruthless but at the end of the film, he demonstrates that Replicants have humanity even though they don’t have a soul. He was built as a fighting machine to work on distant galaxies but, the same as thousands of “slaves” throughout history, he rebels and goes in search of the answer to a question that alludes us all: Why am I here? Why do I have to die?

Write about a movie hero or villain that you like.
Who they are,
What movie they are in,
When you first saw the movie,
Why you like them,
Why they make such a good villain.
Mention anything else you think is important or interesting. Try to write at least 200 words. Leave a comment on my blog and on the blogs of 3 classmates.


  1. Pronto - Pop y Basura

    Pura Manía - Cerebros Punk

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I hear about that movie, but I never watched it

  4. I have seen this movie, I can't say that I liked it very much but the moral questions where interesting

  5. I never watched the movie, but I read some of the book. I find that is amazing and we do reflective, about us.

  6. My parents like that film too, but when they made me watch it I fell asleep fifteen minutes after the start :(

  7. really deep reflections at the end hahah hope to see it!

  8. Hi Simon, I've never seen this movie, but I've been interested since I read your post

  9. Hi teacher, my brother likes this movie!

  10. Your post made me want to watch the movie!

  11. hi!interesting movie about these machines, we can think a lot about the content

  12. After reading this, I wanted to see the movie!


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