Wednesday 4 September 2019

A one-on-one Conversation

Hi Blogheads,
Today I'm going to talk about someone I'd like to have a one-on-one conversation with. The person I'll write about is Mervyn Peake, a British author, illustrator and painter. I first heard of Peake when I was about 15 or 16. One of my sisters gave me one of his books to read. I started it but didn't finish it. I actually read it a couple of years later and found it amazing so I found and read all the other books he had written. I love Peake's imagination and dark humour. If I had the chance to talk to him, I'd like to ask him a number of questions like, where he got his ideas or what inspired him. I think he was a very observant person because his is able to create extremely descriptive writing and wonderful images. I’d also like to talk to him about the artist colony he started on the Island of Sark (a little island between England & France) and the contrast between like in London and a remote island. Finally, I’d like to ask him about his experience in the Second World War. Peake was a war artist and he had quite a traumatic experience, especially as one of the first people to enter Belsen (the Nazi concentration camp) after its capture. He wrote poetry about the horrific scenes he saw and it obviously affected him deeply. Peake died of Parkinson’s Disease in 1968.
Write about someone you would like to have a one-on-one conversation with.
Who it is,
What they do/did,
When you first heard about this person,
What you would like to ask them,
Why you find this person interesting.
Mention anything else you think is important.
Write at least 250 words. Leave a comment on my blog and on the blogs of 3 c


  1. Good to know! now peake is in my "must read" list

  2. Sounds very interesting Simon, I hope to read it sometime

  3. I had never heard about Mervyn Peake and sound like an interestind person.
    i will try to read something from him.

  4. I searched the author's drawings on google and its look dark and disturbing; however his illustrations where the line predominates to "achurar" the areas are really awesome.

  5. What an interesting and talented writer! I really liked his drawings for Alice in Wonderland.

  6. What an interesting movie. Besides It is very contingent because the film takes place in the space where climate change has left the Earth devastated.


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