Wednesday 28 August 2019

Free Post

Write about 200 words on a topic of your choice. Leave a comment on my blog and on the blogs of at least 3 classmates.

So my free post is about Aniara, a Swedish Sci-Fi movie that I've just read about in today's Guardian ( It looks really great but then again I love Sci-Fi so I may be a little bias. I'll post the trailler at the end of the post. I don't want to say too much or spoil the film for anyone (in case there are any Sci-Fi fans reading). Bits of it remind me of a wonderful book that I read last year called Eleveneves, which is a Sci-Fi story about how hummanity saves itself after the moon explodes and causes metiorites to rain down on earth for 10,000 years. It features lots of people floating around in space:)
Try to read the review if you have time. Reading a newspaper in English is a great way to practice a second language and keep up to date on today's news at the same time:) 



  2. Why? Why?? I count on you to tell me what to do D:

  3. interesting topic,
    it´s a good idea to write my post XDD
    sorry, i don´t have imagination today u.u


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